Title:World Cup Cricket for Amiga
Author:Mark Carter
Machine:Amiga 1200/4000 (tested on Amiga 1200)
Memory:2MB RAM (including at least 1MB chip RAM)
Controls:Mouse and Joystick


This is the ultimate international cricket simulation featuring both arcade interaction and managerial skills.

You guide your chosen team through the major worldwide tournaments (each unique in format) with the ultimate goal of winning the World Cup (held once every four years).

Having chosen your team, you enter the Main Menu characterised by a map of the host nation complete with details of all venues. Tournament fixtures, table (if applicable) and history are all available.

From this screen you can access the following screens:

Clicking on PLAY takes you to your next match. Once the toss has been decided the action begins!

Now, the screen is split into two parts: The Control Panel and The Field.

Fielding is done automatically. This includes catching, returning and backing up.